…elongate body into a series of distinct rings or segments. The skin of an earthworm is kept smooth and damp by mucus produced by glands in the skin, If, however, an earthworm is allowed to slip between the fingers it will prove to be very slightly rough, and if placed on a piece of paper one can hear a slight scratching sound as it moves. In fact, each segment carries a few small bristles or chaetae and it is these that give the worm purchase as…
Search Results for: Earthworm
Allolobophora caliginosa
…elongate body into a series of distinct rings or segments. The skin of an earthworm is kept smooth and damp by mucus produced by glands in the skin, If, however, an earthworm is allowed to slip between the fingers it will prove to be very slightly rough, and if placed on a piece of paper one can hear a slight scratching sound as it moves. In fact, each segment carries a few small bristles or chaetae and it is these that give the worm purchase as…
Mealworm Beetle
…worm. However, the surface of the mealworm is harder than that of a common earthworm, and it also has the glossy surface that its adult version has. Biology and behavior The mealworm beetle belongs to the family of shadow beetles (Tenebrionidae). Both adults and larvae are nocturnal. The adult beetles can fly and can be experienced in the middle of summer. The adult female beetle lays about 200 eggs during its 2–4-month adult life. The eggs are la…
Common cluster fly
…types of housefly larvae that live in carrion, cluster fly larvae live in earthworms as parasites. This stage typically takes a couple of weeks, after which the larva seeks away from the earthworm again and pupates, while still living in the ground. A few weeks later, the full-grown cluster fly emerges. The behavior of cluster flies depends a lot on the season. In summer they live outside and you can typically find them on flowers as they feed on…