Lace webbed spider, Ciciflo fenestralis Commonly known as: Lace webbed spider (Latin: Ciciflo fenestralis) A common spider in cellars and outhouses, on doorframes and walls; the web is sometimes seen stretched across a window pane. In addition to the normal three pairs of spinnerets, this spider (and many others) has an additional spinning organ, known as the cribellum, which has a large number of pores and has been likened to a sieve. The silk w…
Search Results for: Ciniflo fenestralis
…aris Chrysopa carnea Cimex columbarius Cimex lectularius Cimex pipistrelli Ciniflo fenestralis Cis boleti Cluster fly Clytus arietis Coccinellaseptempunctata Cockroaches faeces scent Cocoa moth Codiosoma spadix Coffee weevil Coleoptera Collembola , Colletes daviesanus Columba livia domestica Common bean weevil Common clothes moth faeces Common cockroach Common flower bug Common furniture beetle Common gnat Common house mite Common house spider Com…