…gnize by their small, circular body and enormously long legs. Two species, Opilio parietinus and Phalangium opilio, are very common in and around buildings, where they are active at night, searching for food. Harvestmen live on many different kinds of food. They have been seen, for instance, to gnaw toadstools and pieces of cake, but they feed mainly on carrion and on any invertebrates they are able to overpower. The method of hunting prey is rath…
Search Results for: Harvestman - Opilio Parietinus
…ciacus hirundinis Oinophila v-flavum Oniscoidea Oniscus asellus Ophion sp. Opilio parietinus Opiliones Opilo domesticus Oriental cockroach Oryzaephilus mercator Oryzaephilus surinamensis Osmia bicornis Otiorrhynchus sulcatus Owls Paravespula germanica Paravespula vulgaris Passer domesticus Patchwork leafcutter Peacock butterfly Pediculus humanus capitis Pediculus humanus corporis Periplaneta americana Phalangium opilio Pharaoh ant Pholcus phalango…